I am so excited to be a part of this service learning project trip to Honduras. We have already been working hard getting ready to take on this adventure. I look forward to seeing all of the children there and working with them for a few days. As usual with children, I'm sure I will be learning more from the children than they will learn from me. I hope to leave an impression with them too, though. I look forward to putting on this puppet show for them as well. I hope they enjoy it as much as we've enjoyed preparing for it.
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Students have been preparing lessons and creating a puppet show that they will perform as we travel to different schools in Honduras. They worked on the script, the puppets, and the scenery. They've also been preparing crafts, learning about Honduras, and packing the suitcases. We're off tonight, and we're ready to go!
AuthorThe students and faculty who traveled together to Honduras for a service-learning course wrote about our adventures on this blog, both during and after our travels. ArchivesCategories